Archive | July, 2012

Soft Diet Drinks

16 Jul

Have you ever been with people that are on a diet and they drink diet drinks? People trying to loose weight choose to drink soft diet dinks instead of regular ones. People believe that diet drinks don’t have sugar at all. In fact, they do, they often contain suplements of sugar that are worst than drinking a regular drink. Also, the diet drinks use to make your brain activity slower. A scientists in San Diego tested it! He gave diet coke to 2 students and regukar coke to 2 students. When they all drank they’re drinks he studied the brain activity of all of them. Effectively, the ones that drank the diet coke had their brain activity slower. So now it’s proved, diet drinks do have sugar and they may result worse than drinking a regular one. Stop thinking diet coke or other diet drink would help you loose weight, instead it damages your body.



10 Jul

Most of perfumes are made from whale’s waste. People find it disgusting because when whales eat something sharp, the smell is better but we all think waste of whatever animal is disgusting to smell; this is other case for whales. The smell of the waste has an earthy and muggy smell but it’s not disgusting at all. Still it’s uncomfortable to literally wear whale’s waste. Some people become upset because there are some of them that care that they have animal products. The smell is good at all but still it’s weird to wear animal products.

Because people were disagreeing with the idea of wearing the waste odor, a scientist from Norway created a substance to create a similar smell of the whale’s waste and that way it would not be disgusting.

The substance he created is not harmful and does not affect the environment.

In my opinion, it was a good invention because I love perfumes and by knowing that most of them are made from the sperms of whales I considered every time I put on perfume. I still use perfume but I thought it was disgusting to see that they are made from the sperm of the whales.


5.7 shake in Guatemala City

10 Jul

The past Tuesday, june 26 there was a 5.7 Richter scale shake. I felt like it was an earthquake but luckily it was not. It was really strong. When it occured I was exactly coming back to my house, it was like at 12:00 am and it was horrible. The lamps in my house started to move and the doors were like crashing.
There was no damage at my house but in some areas of the country some houses were destroyed and some families were left without a place to live. It’s sad what happened because the government didn’t do anything to help the poor families.
Earthquakes and shakes don’t have an specific cause but there are some things that influence them to happen.
Earthquakes occur when the tectonic plates move apart and there’s a movement because of it and the movement is the result of earthquakes
The sudden change of weather is one of the factors that may influence the earthquakes.
I am not afraid of shakes or earthquakes but I don’t like them to happen.

Hello world!

3 Jul

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